The stereotype of an Aussie tradie will most likely be clearly etched in your mind. A rugged bloke of a man with a loud, thick Aussie accent, never on time, unreliable, days unshaven, darkened leathery skin from the 40 hours plus of sun they are exposed to each week, swearing like it was going out of fashion, seemingly always missing their shirt and an attitude of get in, get it done, and get to the next job without cleaning up after themselves. Yes, there are still tradies like this, and there always will be, but I believe there are a new breed of tradies that are a force to be reckoned with.
The modern tradie now has health and safety concerns of their own and of their employees. Sun and heat exposure, hydration, safe working environments, tested and tagged power tools, the list is endless. And all of these need to be well documented and filed. Today the modern tradie must be across a plethora of quotes, jobs, finances, clients old, current and new, staff well being, staff training, marketing…the list goes on. With mobile phones and the internet, business never stops. Phone calls, messages, emails. For the hands on job of a tradie, it is often hard to balance the hands on work with the hands off work at the same time. The modern tradesman should now be the modern tradesperson as many more females are now part of the tradie line up.

The modern tradesperson is, and always has been, hard working. The modern tradesperson is well educated. The modern tradesperson is a professional and should be treated like one. A successful modern tradesperson of today can be expected to be on time, polite and well spoken. To be one up on the competition, a modern tradie needs to execute what I call the one percenters. Examples of the one percenters include punctuality, introducing yourself and having your staff introduce themselves to each and every client, random acts of kindness like helping bring the bins in or helping unload some shopping, leaving a site clean and tidy at the end of each day and treating a job site like it was your own back yard.

If you’re yet to meet the modern tradesperson, they are most definitely out there. There is no need to settle for anything less. A good place to locate a tradesperson of the calibre described above is to look for industry associations. For Landscape design and management professionals, the Australian Institute of Landscape Managers (AIDLM) is a great place to locate the professionals you require.
Using a member of AIDLM ensures you will get a quality designer and manager across all aspects of design.
For construction and management of a landscape project, the LNA Master Landscapers, ( is trustworthy source of high quality tradespeople.
Using each of these industry associations is a vital part of the ensured success of the design and implementation of a landscape project as well as a great tool in locating modern tradespeople.
Kyora landscapes is a proud member of both AIDLM and LNA Master Landscapers and we continue to strive towards being, employing and training new modern tradespeople.
Written By Nick Mason.